My Second Worst New Year’s Eve

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A Day In The Life

I'm my own boss and my boss is clueless.


Ask The Asshole Commenting on Your Friend’s Facebook Status

Out of nowhere, The Asshole Commenting on Your Friend's Facebook Status brings you the truth you didn't ask for.

Diary of a Month Without Coffee

For some reason, I feel the need to hit the reset button on my caffeine intake. I did it again this February.

New Study Shows: Overthinkers and Worriers, Everyone Is Talking About You Behind Your Back

If you have an anxious mind then perhaps your ears are burning. A new study from the University of Michigan shows a significant link between social anxiety and people talking about you behind your back.



Was Horace and Pete Improvised?

Louis CK's latest output is a drama with and all-star cast. It also has some problems and plot holes that can easily be explained and forgiven if the production were improvised.


The Gremlins 2 Sketch

It's not only in the movie, it's definitely in the movie.


My 100 Movie Moments

I was inspired to do this by Patton Oswalt's book, Silver Screen Fiend. Here are one hundred moments from movies that have stuck with me and that I still appreciate.


Diary of a Month Without Coffee

For some reason, I feel the need to hit the reset button on my caffeine intake. I did it again this February.

Disaster Fantasies

Sometimes thinking about worst-case scenarios in your own life is a luxury.

Everyone Needs Their Coulier

Jagged Little Pill has all the wisdom