Running On Vacation

Running, Washington State, and Starbucks.

Labor Day

The transition from August to September is a deceptively great time of year.

Fire and Pie

All I need is a fire pit and a pie tin.

The Manchester United Game With Seattle Spurs

I watched Spurs beat Man U with the Seattle Spurs Supporters.

A Snapshot of August 26, 2018

I ran a race and met up with friends. It was a good day.


Writing on an airplane, heading to the West Coast.

Harlem Run

I didn't write last night because I had to get up for a race this morning.

Divinity, Atheism, and Walking Carbon Sacks

I think that we all need to believe in something.


Some thoughts on high school fights and one bully in particular.

Can I Talk To You? About Our Connection?

Bachelor in Paradise has sucked me back in to the cesspool of reality television.

Nana and Back to School

Nana never liked me but I got to hang out with Aunt Margie once.

My Sister’s Brother Is An Only Child

A lot of people don't know that I have a sister and I'm trying to fix that.