A Snapshot of March 11, 2018


3 Things I Learned By Not Writing for 5 Months… Or 2017 Sucked

My life fell apart in a first world kind of way.

9 Thoughts on The Big Sick

An atypical rom com that is one of the best rom coms I've ever seen.

Lorem Ipsum

It's placer text and I've been working with it for a long time.

My Oscar Ballot

I did well at my Oscar party last year, let's see if it was a fluke.

1 Thought on Dunkirk

This was a triumph of cinema and a panic attack rolled into one.

13 Thoughts on The Shape of Water

I think this could win Best Picture this year.

Fitter, Happier, More Productive

Along the lines of Why I Didn't Write Today...

A Snapshot of March 1, 2018

How is it March already?

Oscar Nominated Short Films (Animated)

The animated shorts were just so damn delightful.

250 Words

Sometimes you just have to push through.