My Second Worst New Year’s Eve

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Quiz: That’s Annoying Right?

How am I handling day to day inconvenience?


The Quotable Trump

Throughout history it has always been a Trump that has moved us, strengthened us, made us feel human. Here is just a sampling of my favorites that get me through the day.

Starbucks coffee and laptop

Working In Starbucks


Horace and Pete: Some Final Thoughts

I said I wouldn't but I continued watching the show. Here's what I think about the remaining six episodes.


Maggie Rogers

Check out her new documentary.

On Watching Stuff Over and Over and Over

Oh, wait a minute... I'm depressed.


17 Years

I moved to New York seventeen years ago. I don't see myself leaving.

Waiting by the Side of the River for a Toaster Oven

"Wait long enough by the side of the river and you will see the body of your enemy floating by." It's either Sun Tzu or Rising Sun, either way, I like it.

Bare Minimum

What am I doing with my life here?

On Disappearing Completely

Rejecting everything doesn't solve anything.


You yell like one of those guys at a baseball game, only you yell about stand-up comedy, not hot dogs or Budweiser. This is barking.

Disaster Fantasies

Sometimes thinking about worst-case scenarios in your own life is a luxury.