Whenever improvisers want to indicate that they are in a corporate scene they will talk about something having to do with quarterly numbers. I’ve worked corporate jobs my entire adult life and I have no idea what quarterly numbers are. But it makes sense to say “quarterly numbers.” It just sounds corporate.
That being said, I want to check in, dear reader. It’s the first day of April and no April Fools day jokes will be forthcoming. I just want to check in on the first quarter of my new years resolution to write every day. It’s been three months and I’ve done pretty well. I’ve counted any post that has been published before I went to sleep. Even with that provision, I’ve missed one day. It was this past Wednesday, March 28th. I’ll try to double up one of these upcoming days to make up for that but that’s still eighty-eight blog posts thus far in 2018. I’ve also amassed just over 7,000 views. It’s been a pretty good first quarter.
But I’m wondering what it is that I’m actually doing. I recently started a class on blogging because I wanted to get some perspective on what this is. I’ve been writing here consistently since 2015 without any kind of plan. I write about anything that I feel like writing about and I’m wondering if that’s the best way to go about this. I recognize that there are some patterns. I write about personal stuff like my family and my mental health. I also write about improv and pop culture. But if someone asked me, “What is your blog about?” I would have no idea what to say. But, on the other hand, does it have to be about anything?
Writing every day has been like starting a new diet or a training program. I wouldn’t say it’s hard, it’s just different. You have to make time for it and you organize your life around it. Writing is slightly different than training for a marathon because I can do it at any time during the day and the fact that I do most of my blogging in the evening is a testament to my inherent tendency to procrastinate.
Have I mentioned that I did something called NaNoWriMo? It’s National Novel Writing Month. It’s in November. You write a novel in one month. That means that you write 50,000 words in 30 days. It’s on the honor system and if you wrote 50,000 words of gibberish, it would count. But that’s not the point. The point is to try to write something. They also have an extension of that called Camp NaNoWriMo where you work on another writing project for other thirty day months – April and June. Today would be the start of my Camp NaNoWriMo project. I haven’t decided on one. I thought about asking you, dear reader, what it is that you like about this blog or what you’d like more of. If you’d like to volunteer that, feel free, but I’ll keep writing regardless. I think that this April I might try to focus on what it is I’m doing here.
So, stay tuned. Happy Easter. Happy Passover. And also, um, I got engaged to someone… April Fools. There, are you happy now?