My All Time Favorite Sketches (Sorta)

Is there really a difference between favorite and important?


Eighth Grade

A movie about the early stages of learning how to make your way (and also anxiety).

Dammit, I Think I Like Yacht Rock

I can't hold on to this secret any longer.

Forgotten Crappy Movies: Stealing Home

It's not a cliche if it's the first time you've seen it.


Marvelled Out

I don't have the brain for Marvel plots.

5 Un-SNL-like SNL Sketches

A tribute to some of the rarest SNL sketches... sketches.

Three Identical Strangers

An unbelievable story with a hell of a twist.


Some thoughts on the latest Diablo Cody movie.

Will You Please Write Something Important, Please?

Sometimes you can get discouraged by other people's brilliance.

Deadpool 2

The sequel was good but I'd be surprised if it yielded Deadpool 3.

15 Thoughts on Solo

It ain't Rogue One but it's worth seeing.

iFiction or Social Media and Apps in Contemporary Fiction

The depiction of social media in fiction could use some more nuance.