Category: Life
On Forced Enthusiasm: I Wanted To Be A Millionaire
When the only requirement is, "Be happy!" I'm out.
Waiting by the Side of the River for a Toaster Oven
"Wait long enough by the side of the river and you will see the body of your enemy floating by." It's either Sun Tzu or Rising Sun, either way, I like it.
My English Teacher’s Life Story Blew My Mind or: How I Got a 5 on My AP English Exam
In high school, I worried about what I thought was my life. Meanwhile, my teacher had lived a hell of a life I never knew about.
Today I’m Thinking About Hillary
I didn't volunteer much but it offers me a glimmer of hope on inauguration day.
I wanted to exorcise some roommate demons and put it all behind me but I found that maybe there wasn't as much there as I thought.
What Being a Tourist in Paris Taught Me About New York
Trying to figure out Paris made me realize that I already live in one of the greatest cities in the world.