Everyone Needs Their Coulier

Jagged Little Pill has all the wisdom


9/11 Fifteen Years Later

It gets easier to think about 9/11 with each passing year but fifteen years ago was the worst day of my life.

On The Vulnerability of Exchanging Garfield Drawings

The fear of sharing what you've created never goes away, you just learn to deal with it better.

My Girlfriend Doesn’t Like Baseball

At some point you let go of who you want your girlfriend to be and pay attention to who she is.

Bare Minimum

What am I doing with my life here?

On Social Media And Supporting Black Lives Matter

I didn't know what to say at first but the answer is simple. Black lives matter.


17 Years

I moved to New York seventeen years ago. I don't see myself leaving.

Eh, Fuck It, Let’s Talk About Death Some More

I've been talking about death a lot lately, so, why stop now?


Regarding My Bros

Over twenty years, I've watched my frat bros become doctors, lawyers, parents. I've even seen two pass away.


Some Mild Thoughts on the Gun Control Debate

Do I really need to say anything about gun control? Well, maybe a few things.


A Supposedly Great Life I’ll Only Live Once

I think too much but sometimes we get reminders from the universe that we need to snap out of it.

Mother’s Day

Mother's Day is odd for me and I can't see that changing any time soon.