I woke up to snow this morning. The branches of the trees outside my living room window were covered with snow, which is actually one of my favorite sights. Most people saw that and said, “What the hell is going on? Isn’t it supposed to be spring?” People, I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, April is always a nightmare. Every single year. This morning’s snow already melted but I assure you, there will be cold rain storms with high winds. It will be cold. It will be hot. April sucks. In May we get a couple of nice weeks, then it’s summer.
Alright, so, I have one fear when it comes to blogging. I fear that it’ll be boring. I fear that you’ll read something and it will be way too self indulgent (on a relative scale, I mean, this is a blog) and you’ll feel like I’ve wasted your time. That’s my philosophy with any writing or performance that I’ve ever done: don’t waste people’s time.
On days like today, I get scared. It’s a Monday. I got up, made coffee, went to work, worked, went to the gym, went to improv rehearsal, and now I’m trying to come up with something.
There are only so many days that I can blog about not having anything to blog about. (Right?)
Remember that scene in Walk the Line where that guy tells Johnny Cash – I’m paraphrasing – if you were lying in a ditch dying and you had one song that summed up your time on earth, one song, what would it be?
I don’t expect my blogs to do that but it should sum up one day on earth. If you were sitting in front of a laptop, not dying, and you had one blog post to sum up your time today on earth, what would it be?
A lot of days, I don’t know.
High five, fist bump, April 2 sucked